Saturday, November 14, 2009






ND 更惨。。。两杯后。。。他就中了酒毒。。。全身发痒。。身体扭曲。。。





说真的 :其实心里还真有点不舍。。。这里有太多的回忆。。太多的欢笑。。太多的好。。但是“环境”使我低头。。。希望我以后常常回来看这个可爱的宿舍。。。十宿舍CC。。。我们是最好的!!

p/s : 看CC就好。。我不希望看到肥婆。。。我的100大元~~~~~~.~~ !!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
















听过那么一句话:“If a problem can be solved, no need worry about it..If a problem cannot be solved, what is the use of worrying?”





悠闲到差点忘记两天后的last paper : Database。。。哈哈。。。



p/s : 今天真的真的非常谢谢阿Hua。。。。我一个多月前不见的锁匙。。。


Saturday, November 7, 2009



对我来说失眠有几种可能 :

1 有心事 @ 太兴奋 @ 有压力 @ 太紧张 @ 太烦?
2 追戏追到累都不会想睡!
3 楼上的太吵!

今晚的我又和失眠约会了。。因为有了1 和 3。。1 就免了。。今天谈谈3。。。


楼上的blockmates们。。可能考试月太兴奋。。所以娱乐娱乐。。打CounterStrike打到ping ping pia pia...射到我在tilam上翻来覆去。。一直喷血。。睡不下觉。。

其实打CS没什么了不起的。。。N年前的我也是神准的46之一。。。但是如果打CS打到连什么Babi kau, Mapus la, Bodoh ni, Wahahaha, Huhuhuhu, Babi, Hahaha, betul bodoh la都出来。。。。




半夜 : 3.51AM。。。

背景音乐 : 王菲《天空》。。。

心情 : 就像。。。天空。。。藏著深深的思念。。。思念小时候的我。。。真的好怀念。。。








Friday, November 6, 2009

8 hours more to go for my FM Final !!!

I was studying half way, how to define half-way ?

Half-way : Got 3 more scary chapters...

I was about to sleep, how to define about to sleep ?

About to sleep : Wanna sleep but cant sleep since got 3 more chapters...this kind of feeling is like u saw ppl eating KFC, you really really wanna eat it, you got money, you are hungry but you are puasa...tak boleh makan pun...tak buka puasa lagi....~~~>~...errrgggggg....

I was bored, how to define bored ?

Bored : A special feeling that cant explain in a logical way, you "ming ming" got important stuff to do but you dun feel like to do and you keep thinking about photography.....poison too much liao...

I was blogging, how to define blogging ?

Blogging : Writing my feeling down and wanna complaint it or express it to the World Wide Web...but after complaining....I still need to get back to my seat and continue the rest of the FM...So wish me good luck 8hrs later...

Lastly, I felt Prof. Susan is so kind, elegant and pretty ! How to define kind, elegant and pretty ?

kind, elegant and pretty :
import java.util.Random;

public class Fmfortunetelling {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int FM_Final = 0;
int Easy;
int randomnum;

Random randomGenerator = new Random();
randomnum = randomGenerator.nextInt(100);

Easy = randomnum%2;

if(FM_Final == Easy)

System.out.print("Prof. Susan is so kind, elegant and pretty !");


System.out.print("Retake FM next sem...NO.....");




Wanna know the result ?
The result as below :

Prof. Susan is so kind, elegant and pretty !
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 6 seconds)




Monday, November 2, 2009

^ Periodic Table ^

Do you remember what is "periodic table" ?
If you forgot about it....nvm...juz sit on it and you will remember it dy...haha...creative^

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

AND1 3on3 Basketball Challenge, Berjaya Timesquare, 25/10/09.

Long Time ago, there were 3 legendary basketballerz in University Malaya. They have superb skill, "curve" body, super high IQ + EQ and of coz....handsome face as well. Everyone feels cool about them, i guess U will feel the same too. Unfortunately, I am juz joking, dun take it too serious...LOL^^

The day before the match :

It`s about 1.05AM :

Jason = Drunk ?

Frederick = Hungry = Cooking maggi mee at the kitchen...

SP = Looking at Jason`s body....He saw him drunk...take off his clothes stamina the next day....haihz...

The next day :

About 8.55AM :

Jason was doing his study on financial management (FM), Prof.Susan....U should come n join us !! Yo...we are hardworking de ler.....

He felt bored...Dreaming about Belinda Chee...

Suddenly....1 Leng Lui pass by....FM ? Later nid study 1st la....

Wa lao...she walked so so fast...walk slow a bit la..I wont eat U 1...

Dunno which sa kai took this pic...see...I am so tired until no time see leng lui..

The is our main court for category Men Under 23, Court 10...hehe...

Someone kicked the sponsor board out of the his anger...He does not agree with the referee`s judgement..But frankly, I felt the referee is still ok..but the management sux..y i say so ? Because they gave us the wrong jersey size(L size is too big for us), when we try to ask to change the size, they said no more M size then ask us : "U need a scissor to cut ur jersey ?" ... Wat kind of altitude is this ? U think we pay RM90 to borrow ur scissor and cut our jersey ? And1 Malaysia..please be professional when you want to hire your workers or volunteers, if not participants will be lesser and lesser. This little thing will spoil ur reputation and affect ur sales...Dun think that u all are the only one who organized 3 on 3 in Malaysia...pls behave !!

Our Team Photo !!! Hehe...

This is our "road to top16". We beat 2 teams before we reach top16 !! We felt great after the game because they are really good players. Cool Shot ! Nice Game !

After the 3on3 event, we went to Pavilion for dinner and guess wat ? We saw Siti Nurhaliza there..We took photo wif her...Actually she is very nice and polite to us and I felt she is elegant and beautiful..Siti Nurhaliza jia you^^

And1 Malaysia....Next Year please ask our size when we filling in the registration form..prepare enough t-shirt size...RM90 for 3 jerseys tat doesnt suit us is not worth it at all...For those who played 1 game and knocked out...even worst...

The End...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wat is the difference ?

Original source :

Saturday, October 17, 2009

PU2F1 in 2007 ...

Although we are far apart...

Although I always missed the gathering......haha..........

Although less and less and less contacting each other................................

We are still PU2F1................


Friday, October 16, 2009


XX : 做么那天你的blog"倒"liao的?

废的咧  : 米有。。米有。。我的blog米有倒。。只是去做renovation而已。。嘿嘿。。

XX : 做么renovation前和renovation后一样的?做么酱?

废的咧 : 不好意思ler。。reno是借口。。这个叫“挂羊头卖猪肉”。。米有米有。。不是不是。。

XX : 米有什么?不是什么?你讲?

废的咧 : 讲错liao。。是狗肉不是猪肉。。很敏感的。。

XX :  敏感什么?

废的咧 : 很多事情。。很难解释。。就像杰伦酱。。“就是开不了口让他知道。。。。。。”

XX : 到底你是发生什么事jek?

废的咧 总之我是去避避风头。。现在总算大难不死。。。。。。。

XX : 那就好啦。。以后小心一点。。。。

废的咧 OKOK.....Tq.....谢谢关心!!

p/s : 开玩笑不要开到太笑。。不是每个人都明白幽默的。。幽默讽刺只是一线之间啊。。。

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Durex Super Funny Ad....The Pic tells everythg...

Original Resource :

Sunday, August 30, 2009

15Malaysia : Halal (1 Daging 1 Malaysia)

15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some of the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders. You may think of them as funky little films made by 15 Malaysian voices for the people of Malaysia.

Synopsis of
A very silly slapstick comedy demonstrating the proper Islamic way to slaughter chicken.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Movie : Einstein And Eddington

Recently, I watched a movie titled "Einstein and Eddington", It is about the time when Albert Einstein(Andy Serkis) moved from Switzerland to Germany and doing research on his great general theory of relativity.

By the time, British having some conflicts with Germany(killings happened when gas attack) and the politician stop the interactions between Germany and British scientists. But, Sir Arthur Eddington(David Tennant), a English man who found some deviation in the calculation for Mercury based on Newton`s theory and he wrote to Einstein to find out the answer.

Einstein reply him with the answer based on his theory, by the time Einstein`s theory does not have any evidence or prove, his theory was an unknown. Eddington went to Afrika to capture some photos when eclipse to prove that Einstein is right and same time Newton made some mistake. Nice Movie. Watched it !!!

Trailer for Einstein And Eddington :

Einstein explains his famous formula(E=mc²) :

Friday, August 7, 2009


今天12点34分56秒是一个神奇的时刻,它显示为12:34:56 07/08/09 123456789在你们的有生之年再也不会出现,祝愿大家一切顺利,身体健康!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Google宣布开发操作系统(Operating System) ChromeOS

曾经宣称不做浏览器但突然推出了Chrome的Google现在终于要涉足操作系统领域了。Google今天通过官方博客正式宣布,该公司正在开发操作系统,暂定名“Chrome OS”。

  Google Chrome OS是一款基于Linux的开源操作系统,初期主要面向上网本领域,而非桌面和笔记本。即使这样,和Windows XP/7的正面交锋也势不可免,而且Android也应该要退回到智能手机上去了。

  Chrome OS系统和Chrome浏览器一样有三大重点要素,那就是速度、简洁、安全,启动和运行速度都会很快,界面元素将会最少化,并且直接集成Chrome浏览器、配合上网本提供流畅的网络体验,所有程序均基于Web运行。Google的网络取代桌面的战略思想将再一次得到贯彻执行。

  最重要的是,Chrome OS将同时支持x86和ARM两种处理器架构。一度有迹象表明微软可能会在Windows 7里加入对ARM的支持,但希望很快落空。现在有了Google的支持,ARM在上网本领域站稳脚跟应该不成问题,厂商可以籍此开发更丰富的产品线,消费者也会拥有更多选择。

  Google保证会在今年年内提供Chrome OS的源代码,并计划2010年下半年正式发布。Google声称已经再和多家OEM厂商谈判,届时会同步推出预装其操作系统的上网本。


Oringinal source :

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to Upload your website/webpage to free hosting (Step-by-step Tutorial with pictures)

This is a step-by-step tutorial to help you upload your webpage to free hosting, we start by clicking the link below to the free hosting website :

Free Website Hosting


Once you clicked the link, you will be direct to the webpage. Firstly, you have to sign up an account to use the free hosting service.

Choose the free subdomain as recommended. The domain you choosed is the url that public can access in future once u uploaded ur web page. Please enter valid email so that you can receive those important info abt your account.

Until this step, you nearly complete the sign up but you have to confirm your ip so that you can activate your account. Try to download the confirm ip.exe provided(you have to turn off your antivirus 1st, becos antivirus will assume it is a virus, once you have downloaded successfully, turn ur antivirus on again). If you can`t download it from the page, try to download it here:

Since you created you domain already(Step I), select your domain and check for the status. Please ensure that the status is active(Step II) then you click "Go to Cpanel"(Step III).

Click on File Manager to proceed. Here we use Filemanager provided to upload the files in stead of using FTP software(eg : FileZilla). This reason i use Filemanager is that my Uni block port 21(port for FTP) so i cant transfer the file via FTP. For those home user you can try FTP if you want.

Click public html.

Upload all the files into public html.

You have 2 options to upload your file, one is via files and the other is via zip,tar,tgz,gz)

Once you uploaded all the files, you have to edit your main page(this 1st page in your webpage .html) to index.html then you can now browse your own webpage using domain selected earlier. You have successfully uploaded you web page, congratz.

If you have any problem, you can use the comment of this post to contact with me, i am willing to help you. Happy Sharing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Test Which NBA player are you ? I am ALLEN IVERSON !!! wahaha...

Join the test and answer a few questions to view who NBA player is similar to U..haha....I am proud to be Allen Iverson...THE ANSWER !!

Allen Iverson
Take Which NBA player are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson.........

When I fisrt heard the news, I thought it was just a rumour from internet....

After knowing that it is real and unchangeable, I feel life is so unpredictable...

He was the king of Pop...

with his lengendary "moonwalk"....

His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced many hip hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists......

GoodBye Micheal Jackson...


Michael Jackson Dies

We've just learned Michael Jackson has died. He was 50. 

Michael suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon at his Holmby Hills home and paramedics were unable to revive him. We're told when paramedics arrived Jackson had no pulse and they never got a pulse back.

A source tells us Jackson was dead when paramedics arrived. A cardiologist at UCLA tells TMZ Jackson died of cardiac arrest.

Once at the hospital, the staff tried to resuscitate him but he was completely unresponsive.

A source inside the hospital told us there was "absolute chaos" after Jackson arrrived. People who were with the singer were screaming, "You've got to save him! You've got to save him!"

We're told one of the staff members at Jackson's home called 911.

La Toya ran in the hospital sobbing after Jackson was pronounced dead.

Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.

Original Source :

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chicago Waiter received $4,000 tip from Johnny Depp

The waiter who received a $4000 tip fromJohnny Depp has told about his night with the superstar!

Mohammed A . Sekhani -- a veteran waiter at Chicago's legendary steakhouse Gibsons -- told “Johnny and his party arrived just after 11.30pm at the restaurant and requested a private room. He had visited our restaurant several times before while he was filming Public Enemies and he promised me that he would return after the premiere."
Sekhani says Depp and his party ordered appetizers like shrimp cocktails while they prepared his favorite dish Clams Casino – which is clams baked with garlic, pepper and cheese.

Said Sekhani : “He also ordered some $500 bottles of Italian wine and he was in good spirits throughout the evening chatting with Mr Mann and Miss Cotillard. I have worked with a lot of stars like Sean Connery and Robert De Niro but Johnny Depp is my favorite. He is a very soft spoken guy who is very charming and sweet – when I wait for him he doesn’t like to be too fussed over and is not in any way demanding. "

It's not the first time Sekhani has waited on Depp. “Because he had visited us before he calls me ‘Mo’ and I know exactly the way he likes to be treated. He may be one of the most famous actors in the world but he is a very ‘humble guy’ and a really cool dude. Obviously, I was delighted with his tip but he has always been very generous every time that he has visited us here at Gibsons.

When the party left around 2.30am he smiled and told me that he would return – they were a great group of people.”

**Oringinal Source :

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Beware : Conficker virus could be deadly threat – or April Fool's joke

It could be the biggest April Fool's joke ever played on the internet, or it could be one of the worst days ever for computers connected to the network. Security experts can't work out whether the Conficker virus – which has infected more than 10m Windows PCs worldwide – will wreak havoc on Wednesday , or just let the day pass quietly.

Experts have worked out that from midnight on 1 April, the Conficker program will start scanning thousands of websites for a new set of instructions telling it what to do next. The infected machines thus comprise one of the biggest "botnets" – a network of "robot" computers – in internet history. And if they were all given a target, such as simultaneously sending search queries to Google or trying to connect to a gambling site, they could knock it offline through the sheer volume of connections – a "denial of service". Victims usually discover that they have been locked out of their computers or have very slow-running internet connections.

Botnets have been used in the past to generate millions of pieces of spam email and to blackmail gambling sites that need to stay online during sports events with the threat that they will be deluged by a "denial of service" attacks.

Careful study of infected machines has revealed that from midnight on Wednesday they will seek new instructions from a randomly generated list of thousands of websites that changes every day. Just one needs to be under the virus writers' control to turn Conficker into a newly configured botnet – making the task of catching the exact site a search for a needle in a computing haystack.

Experts admit that they have little idea of where Conficker might be headed next. "It's a brave man who puts his neck out like that," said Graham Cluley, an analyst with internet security company Sophos. "For what it's worth, we have never seen earlier versions of the Conficker worm downloading a malicious payload."

He added that the April Fool's Day deadline could be an attempt to misdirect the attention of security professionals and computer users – or that the activation date could even indicate a prank.

"There is no reason to believe that there will be any instructions for Conficker to receive on 1 April," he said. "They could just as easily be delivered on 2 April, 4 April, 25 May or never."

Others agree that Conficker may not activate immediately, preferring to lie in wait before receiving further orders to avoid scrutiny. "At its core, the main purpose of Conficker is to provide the authors with a secure binary updating service that effectively allows them instant control of millions of PCs worldwide," noted Philip Porras of SRI International. Vincent Weafer, vice-president of Symantec, an internet security company, said: "Most malware these days is designed to be used for some type of criminal monetary gain, and conducting such criminal acts typically requires stealth measures to be successful.

"This makes the odds that a major event will take place on 1 April even less likely, since there is so much attention being paid to that day."

Conficker – also known among security experts as "Downadup" – was first discovered in November last year, being sold as part of a "kit" by a Chinese hacker. Since then, two variants have been spotted as the virus has gone on to infect more than 10m PCs.

Despite being tracked for several months, however, the truth about Conficker's motivations and origins remain clouded. Last weekend, one team of researchers suggested that they may have discovered a "fingerprint" inside the worm which should make it possible to scan computers for the infection, making removal easier.

The identity of its creator remains unknown, despite Microsoft offering a bounty of $250,000 (£176,000) for the information. Usual methods of unpacking the virus code to examine its workings have been thwarted because the authors have encrypted it, using algorithms that render it almost uncrackable.

In the meantime, Conficker has gone on to become one of the most widespread internet worms in recent years.

Last week a leaked memo revealed that the House of Commons computer system had become infected, leading to concerns that confidential or highly sensitive material could be stolen when the virus next updates.

In the document, Joan Miller, the director of parliamentary computer services, said that her team were "continuing to work with our third party partners to manage its removal and we need to act swiftly to clean computers that are infected".

Ordinary PC users are being advised to keep their anti-virus software up to date and watch for news about the worm. Cluley suggested that the widespread coverage could help lessen the potential impact. "Most businesses appear to have Conficker under control," he said. "They've applied patches and updated their anti-virus software to stem the spread of the worm. Some firms struggled to clean it up quickly – but most have now used some of the free Conficker removal tools available for download from security vendors."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

CBEB 1102 Management : Lecture Notes (28.03.09)

This is the latest note from our lecturer.

**The other representative had hand the notes to FPP photostat shop...IF YOU CANNNOT DOWNLOAD THE NOTES...u can get if from FPP photostat shop...If you have any problem or question, you can contact us via 
msn : or
hp no : 017-9787698(Koh Cheng Fei) or 017-7168640(Frederick)

Please click the blue link to download not the box !!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thursday, March 19, 2009

CBEB 1102 Management : Lecture Notes (18.03.09)

This is the latest note from our lecturer.

**The other representative had hand the notes to FPP photostat shop...IF YOU CANNNOT DOWNLOAD THE NOTES...u can get if from FPP photostat shop...If you have any problem or question, you can contact us via 

msn : or
hp no : 017-9787698(Koh Cheng Fei) or 017-7168640(Frederick)

Please click the blue link to download not the box !!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Now i just realize "Frederick" is a place in US ?? Wahaha..

I am surfing through the net without any boundary, searching there and here, reading and installing new info into my undeveloped brain. Suddenly, i come out with an idea, why don`t i search my name in the net ? hehe....without hesitation, i search "Frederick" in the well-known search engine..GOOGLE....I am surprise not because of "Frederick the Great"(Frederick II of Prussia) but "Frederick, Maryland".
City of Frederick
Maryland, United States

CoOL MAN..."Frederick" is a city in west-central Maryland, United States. Wahaha...I can`t believe ppl named ME as a town, this come to my day dreaming--> What i have done to make ppl so respect to me, what achievement that i have contribute to US, until they want to name ME as a town.......wahaha....i cant stop SSing...laughing....

Actually is quite surprise to "install" this to my brain, the way, let me explain why i choose "Frederick" as my nickname.....

Long time ago, Mr.Kang was "syok sendiri" and try to find 1 nickname for himself. He tried hard to get a name that he liked, and of coz sounds COOL. he starts with the capital letter F............
Forest(lame la...u think u so natural meh....or u think u r so School Grass? WTH)....
Frobisher(hrmmm...weird la....ppl dun know how to pronounce sometime).....
Frog...NO NO NO....
Frederick(This sounds nice n cool sth like a general, memang bagus bagus belaka !!!)...

Frederick the Great(Frederick II of Prussia)

This is how "Frederick" come from....wahaha...zha dao ler...

p/s : Now is 4.15AM, tmr got accounting mid term test which contribute 25%...haihz....zha dao....still blogging here...nvm la...i hope my readers and followers enjoy la....especially my 1st reader of this post(i think she will be very cute n pretty if she read this...hrmmm...she will be happy a bit gua...i hope la..enjoy ya my fren)..hehe....have a nice day...n good nitezZZ...oOOOpppSSss...GooD Morning will be BetTeR^^!!

source :,_Maryland

source :