I have to say sorry to my frens in this blog...mb in future...i wont b able to update my blog so frequent liao...u know y ?
My "dearest" 10th Coll super fast internet access is goin to stop start from 23 feb n until end of the semester 2(May 2009)....wth...the truth behind the story is that our college`s principal n authority dun wish to pay the repair n service fee for the network....."perhaps"....money masuk pocket la...and some1 complain abt the network to the office last time...then no 1 diu(entertain) him....aftertat...he straight away complain to the QAUM(Quality Assurance University Malaya) this cause the issue become bigger(adik u geng...i admire u tat u complain until QAUM level but i dun blame u cos u got ur right to do tat...dun be influenced by others who scold u...i support U) and...."perhaps"....the pengetua pei song(bu shuang) ppl complain abt it then straight away put notice to stop it lor...
The problem is we are FSKTM student....without internet access we cant do our assignment n research where most of the resource we hav to refer online....can u imagine....medic student without auscultator...physics student without formula n biology student without white rats....F off........i hav nth to say abt the management here...."best Ar" ! This issue until this level ady...i m speechless....just hope tat our "reliable" wakil pelajar who i voted in the previous election can do sth to protect the network in 10th Coll...
~~~.~ last time i laugh ppl at other college always dc in msn....now i think i will be the 1 langsung tak dc in msn ady...cos no access cant on9 how to dc....F again !!!
Lastly, to the superfat pengetua in 10th Coll...i hav sth to tell U :
U makan duit banyak sikit la..tak apa punya....aku nampak u 1 kali pukul 1 kali.....nampak 2 kali pukul 2 kali....nampak 10 kali pukul 20 kali a.....u r lonely izzit that cause ur hormone unstable izzit..ah quinn is there...u can find him everytime u wan....WTF la U !! i seldom to b tat rude but u stimulate me ady.....becareful ya....later i throw pisang banyak banyak to ur house then....monkey monkey banyak banyak pergi.....masa itu u jangan regret tah.....Prof madya ?? prof mayat la !!!
Happy Lunar New Year 2025
3 weeks ago
@#$*& her. Damn it. How we are going to survive and improve our computer skills?
sorry to hear that....
if you still can read this comment, u can contact me anytime for anything....
zhizhong 0124708010 or 0164807410
wow...haha....i cant stop laughing eh...bro i support u ar!!!!
-->陈志忠 Chee Tong
Today is 23rd of February..by right they will cut off our internet service...so far until now....nth happened..so i assumed as the authority have take back or reconsider the stupid decision...
If anythg happened i just inform u la....hopefully the principal wont do any stupid thg again !!
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